Band 30S (BND30S)
Course Description
This one credit course (combined with Band 40s) is open to all Grade 11 students who love to make instrumental music. The course is mainly rehearsal based, in preparation for performances and the Senior Tour in April. Students will continue to grow their knowledge of good playing and ensemble technique, through emphasis on proper posture, breath support, reading music notation, listening across the band, and playing with focused energy. Class time is also spent on learning about music theory and history. It is structured so that students meet on alternate days for the full year. This band has several concert and performances during the year. In the past, this band has toured throughout central and southern Manitoba, Quebec, Alberta, and Illinois.
*Note: Students are expected to contribute towards the cost of Senior Tour. Significant fundraising is available to each student to help defray or even eliminate tour costs. The music program makes a determined effort to make tours a strong educational experience that can be affordable for both students and parents. Financial assistance may be available upon request.
*Note: Students are expected to contribute towards the cost of Senior Tour. Significant fundraising is available to each student to help defray or even eliminate tour costs. The music program makes a determined effort to make tours a strong educational experience that can be affordable for both students and parents. Financial assistance may be available upon request.
Recommended Prerequisite
- None
Units Covered
- Specific topics are taught through playing and performing in class. Topics addressed include an understanding of pitch, rhythm, timbre, dynamics, texture, and form. Students will leave with a basic understanding of composition, music history and music appreciation. We will focus on creating solid habits and attitudes of a successful musician. The goal for this course is to balance the love of music making with the necessary skills to create it.