ELA for Sports Lovers (ELS20F)
Course Description
The Sports Lovers course is designed for people who want to read, write, and talk about sports. Most of the content and topics covered in this class will be related to sports. An emphasis will be placed on creating sports-related texts – game summaries, feature articles, player/team analysis essays, topical podcasts, running game diaries, editorial blog posts, stat analysis, favourite team game breakdown and analysis, and so on. Students will explore and respond to a wide range of texts. In addition, students in this course will complete the required grade 10 research essay, but the focus could be on sport related topics. The Sports Lovers course will develop skills related to the six language arts: reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and representing. Assignments will be designed to assess core outcomes of the English Language Arts Grade 10 curriculum, and students will be awarded an English Language Arts 20F credit .
Students who take this course must want to view, read, and/or listen to sports-related texts. They must also want to write and talk about sports-related topics.
Students who take this course must want to view, read, and/or listen to sports-related texts. They must also want to write and talk about sports-related topics.
Recommended Prerequisite
- None
Units Covered
- Watch and respond to sports documentaries and films
- Read and respond to a nonfiction sports book
- Write about the greatest athletes of all-time
- Write about great sports photographs
- Create and record an original sports podcast series
- Analyze how a specific player has mastered an aspect of their sport
- Choose your own assignments