Intro to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math 20S (IAP20S)
Course Description
Grade 10 Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics (20S) is intended for students considering post-secondary studies that require a math pre-requisite. This pathway provides students with the mathematical understanding and critical thinking skills that have been identified for specific post-secondary programs of study. The topics studied form the foundation for topics to be studied in both Grade 11 Applied Mathematics and Grade 11 Pre-Calculus Mathematics. Components of the curriculum are both contexts driven and algebraic in nature. Students will engage in experiments and activities that include the use of technology, problem solving, mental mathematics, and theoretical mathematics to promote the development of mathematical skills. These experiences will provide opportunities for students to make connections between symbolic mathematical ideas and the world around us.
Recommended Prerequisite
- 65% or higher in Math 10F
Units Covered
- Linear Modeling
- Number Sense
- Measurement
- Linear Functions
- Trigonometry
- Algebra
- Coordinate Geometry
- Polynomials
- Trigonometry
- Applications of Linear Functions