Life-Work Building 30S (LWB30S)
Course Description
Students can expect to focus on personal management and employability skills. You will complete work that will help you with your resume, cover letters, and interview skills along with learning and planning for future employment. This is a grade 11 credit focuses on hands-on work to accomplish one of these 3 goals:
- To find employment within the Winkler and surrounding area
- To help you sort out career fields you are considering for the future
- To make valuable connections in the community that can lead to future opportunities
Recommended Prerequisite
- Field specific prerequisites may be required, for example
- Mechanic/Welding/Trades – You will need some hands on experience or prior knowledge
- Psychology field - You must first take the Psychology Credit
- Accounting Career - Accounting 30S is required
- Journalism (Winkler Times) - Minimum 80% in ELA
Units Covered
- There are 3 parts to both LWB/LWT
- Work placement experience = approximately 80 hrs
- Theory work consisting of resume/portfolio, practice interviews, future planning and goal setting, and practicing for success
- Reflect, debrief, and learn