Textile Arts & Design 20S (TAD20S)
Course Description
Formally known as Clothing and Design, Textile Arts & Design examines the broader knowledge and skills required to design and create clothing products. Students will examine the basics of creative costuming, cultural fashion design, and consumer practices that have an impact on individuals within their community. The impact of fashion on consumer choices and its influence on relationships are explored in more depth. The course will focus on student citizenship and product sustainability through knowledge, action, and projects. Students will be challenged to address issues within the clothing industry and their impact on the environment, in addition to social justice and clothing security challenges. This course also provides a brief introduction to the study of environmental design.
Recommended Prerequisite
- Recommended credit in Clothing & Design 10S, but not required
Units Covered
- Technical and Applied Skills
- Fundamentals of Design
- Citizenship and Sustainability
- Relationships and Influences
- Environmental Design
- Career Development